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Not only was he up for trying them all, he was excited for it. I know, shocker. Yeah, the whole open communication thing, not just a myth…. it actually works. Big time works.

So, here’s how to open your communication:

Step 1: Approach the topic delicately. Although most guys will be all for getting you to the big O, it wouldn’t hurt to ease into why they aren’t getting you there already.

Step 2: Be honest and straight foreword. Don’t kind of tell your significant other what they are doing wrong/what they should be doing. Be direct. No one wants to have the same talk over and over again, especially if you’re repeating how he or she still isn’t getting it right.

Step 3: Listen. They might have some pointers to give you, too.

Step 4: Be prepared to do a little give and take. Nothing in a relationship, let alone a sexual one, is ever going to be perfect — but you sure as heck should try to make it enjoyable for everyone.

Just make sure you don’t wait six months, or worse yet, three years, to speak up.